Hello ladies!
Hope you are all enjoying your summer. It has been a beautiful one so far, don't you think?
Looking forward to seeing all of you. It has been forever since the last crop. I have some fun things in store for us to do on Saturday. Check out the supply list that will be posted tonight to make sure you have what you need for the make n takes Saturday.
We will actually have a new place to meet starting this Saturday. On the 6th floor is the office and inside the office is our meeting room. Come there Saturday. It is UNIT 605 when you step off the elevator. All clubs and the home decor workshop will be held in UNIT 605 on Saturday. If you are not in one of our clubs and would like to join us Saturday, I have seats available at the 10 am meeting. Just email me that you are coming so I have supplies for you. You are under no obligation except to come and have a good time.

Hope you are all enjoying your summer. It has been a beautiful one so far, don't you think?
Looking forward to seeing all of you. It has been forever since the last crop. I have some fun things in store for us to do on Saturday. Check out the supply list that will be posted tonight to make sure you have what you need for the make n takes Saturday.
We will actually have a new place to meet starting this Saturday. On the 6th floor is the office and inside the office is our meeting room. Come there Saturday. It is UNIT 605 when you step off the elevator. All clubs and the home decor workshop will be held in UNIT 605 on Saturday. If you are not in one of our clubs and would like to join us Saturday, I have seats available at the 10 am meeting. Just email me that you are coming so I have supplies for you. You are under no obligation except to come and have a good time.

I also want to remind you about the drawings that you can qualify this month only. Remember this is to help me qualify for the Costa Rica trip in 2014. Check out the drawings here
This is a great opportunity to qualify for FREE product from the NEW Autumn/Winter idea book which I will have in my hot little hands next week. Be sure to read all the way through the post so you get the most chances to win.
If you haven't notice at the top left hand column is a counter gadget telling that I have 6 days until Convention. For you Disney fans, convention this year is at the Disney’s Coronado Springs® Resort. I will leave on Tuesday for Tampa to see my boys and then on to Disney on Wednesday. Since I have just a few days before I leave I am asking that you please bring your order with you on Saturday or place it no later than Sunday. I will need to spend Monday evening packing and getting ready to leave. I thank you in advance for helping with this.
WOW this is a really long post!
Make sure to keep checking my blog throughout the week next week starting on Thursday to see what is going on. I will be back on Sunday the 30th with new idea book in hand.
See you on Saturday.
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